The explicit goal of this website is to equip YOU to be capable and confident of stewarding more (more children, more disciples, more money, etc.). As illustrated in our fabulous, touching, soon-to-be-award-winning Abrahamic drama above, he who cannot give an account of how he has managed what he has should NOT be entrusted with more. (Big definition coming up, get ready…) A BUDGET is a tool for planning and monitoring the financial assets and income streams with which we have been entrusted.
Mark Parrett shares ways to maximize your giving dollars with tax strategies out the wazoo! Abraham's Wallet exists to inspire and equip Biblical family...
Whether or not you even had any kids, you should listen up as we discuss the benefits of the 529 savings plan as a...
Gents, it’s time we broached a subject that I KNOW impacts all your lives. You’ve either worried about it, scoffed about it, or perhaps...