Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel talk about what to do AFTER you’ve turned in your taxes. They review the need to, you know, DO your taxes (9:00), whether tax refunds are a good or bad thing (11:30), when and when not to celebrate with unexpected money (16:00), wise steps to take if you received a big refund (21:10), the “safe harbor” tax provision (25:00), how to maximize standard deductions (29:20), whether or not you need a CPA (40:15) …and Steven’s strange and ignorant fascination with jail time.
In the realm of mental health, our culture has taken an extreme pendulum swing in the direction of over-analyzing and over-diagnosing our children’s mental...
What can the Chronicles of Narnia, a decades-old children’s fiction teach us about having a godly home? Mark Parrett talks with Aaron Bair, a...
The tool that God is most working through is the family. The asset that satan is most attacking is the family. Join us as...