So you’ve budgeted your heart out. Nice work. And you are spending less than you are earning. Enthusiastic high five! And your budget has revealed to you that you previously thrown off cash like a Kardashian jettisons marriages (We’ll be here all night! Try the shrimp!)? Womp womp. The result of your former ways may very well be (in fact, statistically speaking, almost certainly is…) the American Dream-maker… DEBT! Or you may have mountains of debt and framed papers on your wall to show for it. Or perhaps a lovely 4 bedroom craftsman-style home, replete with open concept kitchen remodel with bleached faux barn wood flooring. Regardless of how you got here… shall we consider how to deal with debt? (Yes, let’s!)
Steven Manuel barges into Jeremy Pryor’s living room to pick his brain about hospitality. Are believing homes really the headquarters for the Kingdom of...
Steven Manuel trucks out to visit Jeremy Boswell, the God-fearing driver behind Emmett Ridge Farm. Jeremy shares some provocative thoughts about food and its...
Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel throw open the door to their much-ballyhooed series The Critical Skills of Money. They start by covering Step One:...