Sukkot is one of the big Jewish holidays that we at Abraham’s Wallet have come to love and value for its impact on our families. It tosses us fathers a veritable softball to smash out of the park: the teaching opportunities are easy, highly physical (easy for little brains to grasp, since they’re so sensory)… and lots of fun. That makes Sukkot a great holiday for the budding family leader seeking to get his feet wet. (“I don’t know how to get into this crazy world of Jewish stuff! The bar for entry is too high!” “No, not really. Just try. Everybody will love you for it. The Wallet will show you how, monsieur.”)
Hobbies cost time and money. Is it worth the investment? Or should a father dedicate his every activity to the service of his family?...
Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel discuss two kinds of groups: 1. A group in which you’re the designated leader and you’re shepherding men toward...
Mark joins Brad Ellis and Chad Masters talking about their silly HALF BAKED IDEAS. A diversion from AW's normal financial- and household-leading fare, this...