Steven Manuel and Mark Parrett discuss the value in God’s sight of small beginnings (10:30). We all tend to cheer the ARRIVAL of a dream, the FRUITION of years of faithfulness… but what about the seeds? We need to see that every act of faithfulness is a foundation stone onto which more can be built- in both the spiritual AND financial (40:30) realms. They also spat about whether you can put mozzarella cheese on a taco (3:00).
Products and resources mentioned in this episode:
Drafting Your Family Vision In 3 Hours
Abraham’s Wallet channel on Volley
Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel begin a series on training children financially. In PART ONE of this series, they discuss the necessity of training...
In a Home/Dough combo episode, Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel talk about both the concept of education (14:15) and education savings (35:00), including savings...
Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel finish their seres on 401Ks (17:00) and give detailed information about “rolling over” 401Ks into various products. We also...