We continue our very occasional series that has been dubbed “Abrahamic Tent Tours”, wherein we visit someone who has applied their Family Vision to the physical space of their home. Surely a home’s setup can oppose or serve your family’s purposes and goals… have you ever thought about yours? Join Tim and Dana Schmoyer as they give you up-close-and-personal insights about why they chose this house to live in, and how they use it to build the Kingdom under their own roof. (Steven and Mark are both along for the ride.)
What should you do when your weekly rhythm runs into a roadblock? This week Mark and Steven discuss how to react when your regularly...
There is much ballyhoo over whether dad has the right to make others obey him. "He must!" "He must never!" "He is a tyrant!"...
Ever wonder what it is, exactly, that we're trying to do around here? Not us: we know PERZAC'LY what we're trying to do. Mark...