Heard of The Tiger King? Of course you have. You’re probably like me and have that steady IV drip of Hollywood coming straight into your family room. To be real clear – we don’t think you should watch this garbage – it’s just that I’m sure you’re well aware of its prevalence right now in the zeitgeist. In need of some triviality recently, I listened to a podcast with one of these Tiger King fellers on it. You’ll never believe this, but I actually heard something kind of pithy come out of this guy’s mouth, about the human capacity for managing problems. It got me thinking, and I’ve concluded there’s (at least) one big lesson that can be learned from the outrageous dumdums over at The Tiger King…
It’s an election year! What does that mean for your finances? Should you invest in oil or invest in electric cars? Should you pull...
www.theisraelstory.org We also recommend the Rabbi Daniel Lapin's recent podcast episode about the War in Israel,
Live from the Aronoff Theatre, and then Live from Steven’s treehouse! This week is a longer chat that Steven and his buddy Paul Nichols...