HOME: Creating Spiritual Rhythms With Tiny Kiddos

February 10, 2021 00:49:51
HOME: Creating Spiritual Rhythms With Tiny Kiddos
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HOME: Creating Spiritual Rhythms With Tiny Kiddos

Feb 10 2021 | 00:49:51


Hosted By

Steven Manuel Mark Parrett

Show Notes

Michael Beausejour joins Steven Manuel to talk about what can reasonably be done with young children to develop spiritual capital in them. They discuss goals for infants in arms (6:30), the young father who feels he has to choose between disciplemaking and changing diapers (12:15), how to make Bible reading meaningful for kiddos (26:00), which weekly chores are good for a 6-year-old (31:00), what a normal week looks like in the Beausejour home (31:45), where to start if you’ve never tried to have spiritual rhythms in your home (36:45), and how having godly, just-a-bit-older heroes for our kids is a major win (45:00). Michael has more kids than you do (7 under the age of 8!) so give him a listen.

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