Michael Beausejour joins Steven Manuel to talk about what can reasonably be done with young children to develop spiritual capital in them. They discuss goals for infants in arms (6:30), the young father who feels he has to choose between disciplemaking and changing diapers (12:15), how to make Bible reading meaningful for kiddos (26:00), which weekly chores are good for a 6-year-old (31:00), what a normal week looks like in the Beausejour home (31:45), where to start if you’ve never tried to have spiritual rhythms in your home (36:45), and how having godly, just-a-bit-older heroes for our kids is a major win (45:00). Michael has more kids than you do (7 under the age of 8!) so give him a listen.
Poverty is invisible; it exists in your work ethic, your personal discipline, your aversion to pain, and even your ability to make a plan....
Giving isn’t some random, meaningless “good deed” that you do casually and it just goes into God’s Great Big Penny Jar In The Sky...
Could there be a lurking trap in the oft-glamorized world of debt freedom? This week I sat down with Scott Dotson and heard something...