Latest Episodes
A Prayer for Israel We also recommend the Rabbi Daniel Lapin's recent podcast episode about the War in Israel,
Dad as Protector
When is it right to challenge your local pastor? Or somebody who’s harassing your wife? Should believers carry weapons? Is it a father’s responsibility...
Financial Prophesies of DOOM
You've heard them: BUY GOLD! GET OUT OF THE MARKET! HOLD ONLY CASH! HOLD NO CASH! BUY GASOLINE! etc etc etc. The fellas break...
Vacation/Rental Property Watch-Outs
Here's four big risks to avoid when buying a second/vacation/short-term rental home. Make sure you don't run your ship ashore! Abraham's Wallet exists to...
Generosity: Mechanics and Tax Hacks
Mark Parrett shares ways to maximize your giving dollars with tax strategies out the wazoo! Abraham's Wallet exists to inspire and equip Biblical family...
NEWS: Auto Workers' Strike- what does it mean?
Biden's EV demands, coupled with the UAW's insistence on higher wages and a shorter work week, brings the American auto industry to a grinding...