It’s become increasingly popular to have the goal of “retiring early.” We see Grandpa living in a retirement community where he plays golf all day and has no commitments. That sounds great! Why should I wait until I’m 65 to do that? I think I will be super frugal and start coasting along in life at 50. Sounds great, right?
This is the heartbeat of the FIRE movement. (Financial Independence Retire Early) And while we love the tactics used to live debt free and save money, the goal is 100% self-focused. People who retire early do not feel more free and fulfilled, they actually feel more depressed and their lives feel meaningless.
Why is this? What does the Bible have to say about work? What good things can we take from this FIRE movement and use to glorify God and build generational wealth instead? Watch this episode to find out.
Links in this Episode
Your Money or Your Life:
Mr. Money Mustache (Blog) Pete Adnee:
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