There are often two ditches churches can find themselves in. There are the churches who think, my pastor is such a good public speaker. If he doesn’t EXACTLY fit in the qualifications of an elder, it’s ok. We are all just trying our best. I can look past this and that.
Then, there is another type of church whose members think it’s their personal responsibility to hold their pastor accountable to the qualifications of the elders and every implication that they think it holds. They are constantly on guard, looking for any potential sin in their pastor's lives.
Both of these ideas are wrong. But what isn’t wrong is the idea that there are very clear qualifications for elders and it is our responsibility to hold our pastors to them and be on guard for false teachers. How do we do this in a balanced and gracious way? Listen to our latest podcast episode to find out.
Today we are diving into a rarely talked about, but super important topic - spiritual influences. I've brought in my friend Michael, who's got...
My friend Mark Douglass from The Viceroy Project sent me this book by Amor Townes a few months back about how to live well...
What is the point of stewarding your money well? To die with a lot of money in the bank? To have a giant house...