Steven Manuel barges into Jeremy Pryor’s living room to pick his brain about hospitality. Are believing homes really the headquarters for the Kingdom of God? If that’s the case, how do we invite outsiders in? What are the budget and family rhythm implications? And what can we learn from Father Abraham and his encounter with the 3 strangers in Genesis 18?
In this episode, we referenced:
The Gospel Comes With A House Key, Rosaria Butterfield
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Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel respond to 3 diferrent accounts of “my advisor told me…” anecdotes from viewers: (25:00) 1. How much should I...
This week we (for the first time ever) are replaying an episode in celebration of the life of Roger Manuel, who finished the race...
There is much ballyhoo over whether dad has the right to make others obey him. "He must!" "He must never!" "He is a tyrant!"...