Steven Manuel sits down with his old good buddy Mark Douglass to discuss the coming of age celebrations Mark has thrown for each of his 4 children on their 13th birthdays. What is the historical “bar mitzvah” celebration and what is its usefulness to us today? How can you pull this off in a way that properly rings in a new era of freedom and responsibility to our children? What discussions should we be having with our adolescents?
Throwing a Bar Mitzvah, by Mark Douglass, available at:
If, by Rudyard Kipling
Raising A Modern Day Knight, Robert Lewis
Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel discuss whether or not there’s any spiritual or financial value in having a large family (spoiler: there is) (7:30-12:15,...
Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel go into more detail regarding 401Ks, and the FOUR THINGS you should know and do about them (27:45). First,...
Mark Parrett discusses how to prepare for a (possible!) coming recession. He describes the reasons for believing that recession is coming, gives some definition...