Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel discuss the concept of the tithe (10:30). Some say we must tithe to this day; some say we are free from this law. Which is it? Didn’t Jesus affirm the tithe? Didn’t it exist before the law was given? They look at the Biblical references, consider the New Covenant context we live in, and give practical advice on what it means for the regular guy trying to please God now. But first! Chicken coop updates, and NBA hot takes (5:30).
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In this week's episode, Steven Manuel and Mark Parrett discuss the need of obedience at home. Assuming fathers are in submission to God, how...
Steven Manuel takes time to answer a listener’s email about why fathering feels more like drudgery and less like delight. There could be several...
There are rumblings and mumblings out on the street, and we're going to get to the bottom of it all. Mark Parrett and Steven...