Advanced Budgeting Tips

August 09, 2019 00:31:20
Advanced Budgeting Tips
Abrahams Wallet
Advanced Budgeting Tips

Aug 09 2019 | 00:31:20


Hosted By

Steven Manuel Mark Parrett

Show Notes

Mastering the art and skill of budgeting will result in you ending up with more money than you need to run your household. Did you hear that son? Tis true my hombres – you don’t need a raise or a side hustle—necessarily (though we love them)—to end up with more than you need. You just need to get good at this one thing, and, barring irregular circumstances, you’ll have extra money at the end of the month (which we call slush). Amazingly simple. The converse is also true: if you don’t get good at budgeting, you’ll never end up with extra cash and you’ll usually fall short in some areas, no matter how much money you make.

In this episode we explore some advanced tips on how to budget for the times when you end up with more income than you planned for.

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