What if we could sit down with Abraham today? What if he was transported from Bible times to today and observed our world and our culture? What would he say?
In this episode, we look at Genesis 11-15 and discover what advice Abraham would give us for our lives today. Donate to Get Access to Ur!
About Abraham’s Wallet: Abraham’s Wallet exists to inspire and equip Biblical family leaders. Please partner with us in inspiring and equipping multi-gen families at https://abrahamswallet.com/donate/ AW website Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube Twitter Facebook Instagram
Mark Parrett shares ways to maximize your giving dollars with tax strategies out the wazoo! Abraham's Wallet exists to inspire and equip Biblical family...
Steven Manuel sits down with Denis Beausejour to talk about grandparenting (4:00). You are going to be SO BLESSED, ENCOURAGED, and CHALLENGED as you...
Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel describe one of the most important skills anybody can master when it comes to financial acumen: the ability to...