Latest Episodes

Best Books of 2024
C.S. Lewis said you don't reread books because they change, but because you do. Join us in our yearly recap of the best books...

Divine Order: God’s Blueprint for Household Hierarchy
Did God tell us how to run our families? Absolutely! In today's episode, we're diving deep into God’s divine design for family life, focusing...

What Trump’s Tariffs and Taxes Mean for Your Wallet
Trump is officially in office and he’s got some radical ideas when it comes to taxes. Are these ideas good? Are they bad? But...

What About Women? Honoring Moms in the Patriarchal Family
We are always talking about a husband leading his family well. But what does this mean for his wife? What is her role in...

Comments from the Haters
Do you ever wonder what people think when we talk about the Abrahamic family model, discipline, and building multi-generational wealth? Well, this episode is...

LoDoFeb: Buy NOTHING for 1 Month
It's that time again! LoDoFeb is here! For those who don’t know, LoDoFeb is the one month a year where we challenge ourselves to...